Our Sphere 360° Widget is a customized and free solution for the Sphere 360° API provided by www.sphere-360.com. With this Widget you can easily check e-mail, phone numbers and more for an abuse behavior. But not only abuse detection is a topic on this tool. A detailed phone numbers detection is included.
To use this Widget a free Sphere 360° Account is required.
Product Features
Abuse Detection and Reporting - All in one
- Full API-Connection
- 2 Languages (EN, DE)
- Single Checking & Reporting
- Local Privacy Filters
- Fast check <2 seconds
- Detail Screen
- White-List-Request
- Multi/Batch Reporting
simple & fastWith this widget we give your employees, IT system administrators up to private persons the possibility to check incoming email senders for a known abuse behavior like e.g. SPAM, phishing, faked emails by the provider Sphere 360°. In addition, other characteristics such as the origin, the provider, the type of connection up to time zones and different phone number formatting and more can be displayed.
By using the clipboard, you can get instant information with just a double click on the widget. Thus, you get an assessment of your request within seconds and can report an abuse to the system at will with just one more click.
In times of cybercrime and ever-changing strategies, purely technical tools are not a 100% solution, which is why Sphere 360° relies on multiple factors for abuse detection. A community, crawlers and other instruments support the basis for the determination of such data.
For an e-commerce business it is always a risk to get involved with unknown e-mail addresses without history. Sphere 360° also supports this with its API and warns against so-called temporary e-mail addresses.
This software and all related files, data and materials are provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, except as required by law. If you intend to rely on this software for critical purposes, then you must fully test it before use, install redundant systems, and assume all risk.
We will not be liable for any damages arising from the use of this software, including but not limited to any special, incidental or consequential damages. Your claim against us is limited to a full refund of the purchase price of the software if it was not distributed as freeware (without charge).
Generally, this software is subject to a single user license (use on one computer), unless a different license agreement has been made in writing with smart eIDentity UG (haftungsbeschränkt). The program is subject to use if it is copied into temporary memory (i.e. RAM). The licensee is entitled to make backup copies of the software. In the event of an update or the provision of a newer software version, the respective new usage and license agreements of the latest release shall apply. These agreements can also be viewed on our homepage at any time.
Modifying, reverse-engineering, decompiling or disassembling the software or its components is not permitted and will be considered a violation of the license agreement. As a licensee, you are liable for all damages incurred by the licensor as a result of any violation of the license agreement.
It is allowed to use this program in a commercial environment as long as the program itself is not sold in any way. Selling this program or modifying it in any way is strictly forbidden. It is also not allowed to offer a download of this program or redistribute it in any way without the written permission by smart eIDentity UG (haftungsbeschränkt).
By installing or using this software, you, on your own behalf and on behalf of your employer or contractor, agree to these terms. If you do not agree to any of these terms, you may not use, copy, transfer, distribute or install the Software.
Copyright in this software and all image data distributed with the software is owned by smart eIDentity UG (haftungsbeschränkt) and may be subject to trademark protection. Any reproduction and use other than for the purpose provided requires the written permission of smart eIDentity UG (haftungsbeschränkt).
For information on data protection, please refer to the data protection declaration on our homepage.
This software interacts with dynamic program libraries (Dynamic Link Library (.dll)) from various third-party providers*.
Supported third-party libraries:
Newtonsoft [https://www.newtonsoft.com]
- Newtonsoft.Json.dll (Json.NET is open source under the MIT license and is free for commercial use.)
This software is using the Sphere 360° API provided by Sphere 360°. To use this software a valid account on Sphere 360° is required.
Sphere 360° [https://www.sphere-360.com]
*Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
The contractual language is German. German law shall apply exclusively. The German version of these terms and agreements is authoritative. Multilingual versions are provided for information purposes only.
- .NET Framework: 4.7.2 +
- Internet access
*The license terms / EULA are taken from the current versions of our products. For older versions, different conditions may apply. The retrievability is for user convenience only. The license terms / EULA attached to the respective product are exclusively authoritative.